GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia team wins prestigious national awards

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed Decree No. 339 dated May 12, 2023 to honor employees of GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia with high national awards. Larisa Petrovna Boldyreva, Director of GlavUpDk’s Protocol Department, has been awarded a second-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland for work achievements and many years of diligent work.

The award was handed out by Sergey Yuryevich Vyazalov, Deputy Minister and Director General of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Under the Decree, the honorary title of the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation was awarded to Olga Vladimirovna Sahakyan, Head of Medical Department at Medincentre (branch of GlavUpDK under the MFA of Russia).

A number of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affiars staff received departmental awards.

Read the text of the Decree

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