Recruitment and leasing of personnel

Entrust the firm ‘Inpredkadry’ with HR management, You will decrease administration and financial expenses and can concentrate on your business. Moreover, you will obtain the guarantee of HR management in total compliance with the labor legislation and minimize any risks of its incompliance.

We guarantee the highest level of professionalism of our employee and utilization of the most contemporary information and consultation systems, and data bases.

Our specialists perform the following activities:

1. HR management — execution and management of all HR documentation for a customer.
The block includes:
  • execution of HE documents in full;
  • perform by our specialists all functions of HR inspector;
  • complete professional consultations regarding HR management.

2. Expertise of HR documentation – management evaluation and correctness of execution of HR documents concerning conformity with requirements of the current labor legislation;

3. Recreation of mandatory HR documents – development of mandatory HR documents according to the requirements of the labor legislation, is executed upon the preliminary analysis and evaluation of the documents, referred to the HR service activity.

With us, You obtain reliable legal support, and also free insurance of your risks regarding coordination with the labor legislation of RF.
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